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Patricia Williams

“No matter where you spread your branches, your roots remain Canadian.”

Tree with world continents and Canadian roots

Trivia Eh? Rick Hanson

Like Terry Fox, one of Rick’s inspirations and heroes, Rick was born in British Columbia. Rick’s Man in Motion World Tour took 26 grueling months. It covered over 34 countries, through four continents, and involved over 40,000 km. It raised world-wide awareness for spinal cord research, plus over $26 million dollars. Amanda Reid-Hansen was Rick’s […]

Canuck Quotes: Rick Hansen

For Rick, his Man in Motion World Tour, and even being named a Companion of the Order of Canada, weren’t/aren’t enough: “I honestly believe that my best work is in front, not behind me. I am driven by a deep passion and need to make a difference and leave this world a little better than […]

Saint John, New Brunswick

The second-largest city in Canada’s Maritime Provinces, Saint John is the largest city in New Brunswick. The latest census, taken in 2011, showed the population of this lovely centre at just over 70,000; the metropolitan area’s population is approximately 130,000. Known by many nicknames – Fundy City and Loyalist City are but two – Saint […]


The idea

of was born in 1999.

We began this site to allow us to connect with other Canadians that have chosen to live the “American Dream.”

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Whether you’ve lived in Canada or just visited, this vast nation connects with our soul.

Perhaps because the expanse of Canada is a representation of what resides within each of us;  culture, kindness, respectability, and strength, all built upon a wild heart.

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