One of our readers is looking for some answers. Who knows where the following image of Martin Short appeared? What movie, book, cartoon, or advertisement is it affiliated with? Any guesses?
No matter where you spread your branches your roots remain Canadian
Did you ever find the answer to this? 🙂
Looks like a play on an old David Cassidy picture, maybe back from his “Rock Me Baby” days.
I’m curious too! I’ve sent an email to the person who wanted it posted to see if he’s got the answer yet. As soon as I hear, I’ll let you know. 🙂
You’re right it may not be Martin Short at all. Personally I thought it may be related to the Muppets or Disney somehow.
You must be part of the trivia contest!
Excerpt from the book “Broadway north: the dream of a Canadian Musical Theatre” by Mel Atkey:
[Cliff Jones’] “Some of My Best Rats are Friends” was first aired January 28, 1978. It starred Martin Short as a psychology student working with lab rats. Jones, who himself has a degree in psychology, developed a story about a scientist who sympathizes more with his rodent subjects (played by Pat Rose, Nancy White, Suzette Couture and John Kastner) than he does with humans. The “Glove and Mail’s” Katherine Gildey said, “There is no easy way to label the bizarre mix of ingredients Jones has wrought… Again, his reach has exceeded his grasp.”
Assuming it should read “Globe and Mail”? Thank you very much for satisfying our curiosity!