Area: 2, 093,190 square kilometers
- Freshwater Area: 157,077 square kilometers.
- High Temp: 25.8 C in the capitol of Iqaluit.
- Low Temp: -45.6 C in Iqaluit.
- Median Age: 22.1 years, making it the youngest population in Canada.
- Population: 28,847
- Pop. Density: 1 person in every 70 square kilometers, the lowest population density of all Canadian territories or provinces.
- Center of Canada:
Lake Baker Lake in southern Nunavut, aka “The belly button” of Canada. - Nunavut is above the treeline, but frozen fossils of prehistoric trees were found in 1985, they grew to be 46 meters tall.
- Residents of Nunavut travel by airplane 5 times more often than other Canadians because of the lack of roads
- Largest of all Canada’s provinces or territories.
- The 3 largest islands in Canada are found in Nunavut: Baffin Island, Victoria Island, and Ellesmere Island.
- Magnetic North Pole is found in Nunavut.
- Nunavut has no native species of poisonous plants.