One of Canada’s most memorable advertising campaigns, the I Am Canadian Rant by an “average Joe” (actor Jeff Douglas) spawned an outward expression of Canadian pride. The commercial poked fun at inaccurate Canadian stereotypes while assertively representing the Canadian pride that many Canadians humbly carry.
To learn more about the history behind this epic Canadian commercial, visit Wikipedia
“The Best..”?? ahhh Please tell me how many Canadian flags are on the moon?? :))
Oh poor, poor deluded John. He thinks a US flag on the moon is the height of civilisation and an excuse for any and all misdemeanours ever committed by his country and his countryfolk. Let’s see if we can’t get some emtpy McDonald’s cartons to kick around up there too, eh?
Anyway, back to the great Canadian ad by Molson. Love the ad and love the fact the advertisers chose a great British anthem, Elgar’s “Land of Hope and Glory” to put behind their proud Canadian’s rant. It’s good to know that Great Britain has a great past, even if we do seem to have a pretty grim future.
Perhaps we’re to blame after all for spawning the USA and Canada – those upstart nations and ungrateful children! Remember: patriotism is the last refuge of scoundrels.
there may not be any maple leafs on the moon; but i can say that ( as an american)i see in bright red words c a n a d a each and every time that robotic arm is used on the (american) space shuttle.
and yes, i love things canadien/canadian.
And yet every single time they use that CANADARM, the actual, legal, registered name for it, the TV newspeople in the US refer to it as ‘the robotic arm’.
Sad really , to be so very insecure, that even referring to an item by it’s real name is scary somehow.
And yes, I AM CANADIAN! 😉